Selasa, 15 November 2011

Stick Drumss

Stick Anatomy

      In addition to the drum kits, the most important and vital in playing the drums is a pair of drum sticks. And each stick druma have different types and sizes. The weight of the stick-stick drum is also different. Stick drum has a size 2A, 2B, 5A, 5B, 7A, 7B, 11A, until the brush stick. Each size usually reflects the amount of drum sticks, drum stick the larger size, the greater was the shape of the drum stick. For the players wore their usual jazz-sized sticks 5A or 5B. Or a rock drummer to get a powerful punch they usually choose a measuring stick 7A or 7B. Besides size, the most important thing that must be noticed by the drummer is, the basic material of the stick. And we need to note from the drum stick is, the shape of the tip of the drum stick, drum sticks because the tip can determine the noise generated.

Stick Drumss

About Stick Drum

        Drum stick is a tool that is used when we will be playing drums. The device serves to create a drum that can produce sound. Materials making drum sticks made ​​of wood.
Drum stick is a vital tool if one wants to play drum.Ibaratnya we eat rice but not rice continue to wear what we eat? well so did the drums when we play the drums but no stick it continues to play dress? Because this tool is very vital in playing the drums then there is no harm in anyway we know the quality of some manufacturers are quite famous drum stick.