Character of some kind of Drum Sticks

For the drummer, drum sticks are part of their lives. Obviously khan! If ga pake gebuk drum sticks continue pakenya what? Broom stick? There are several kinds of famous brand drumsticks in the world. Well this time ane try to peel the info about the character of various brand drumsticks. Check gan,,
- Zildjian: Strong. But size is somewhat different from the others because stick2 Zidljian tend to be larger. Rock itself is very large size and have a great tip anyway.- Regal tip: No stand the cold and lead to easily broken. For some people may feel that the stick is too slippery, but have also said that the stick is the most convenient. The downside of this stick is if you use nylon tip, usually a small neck at the end of the stick once so easily broken.- Vic Firth: benar2 'The perfect pair', all stick benar2 balanced and have the same pitch. And certainly straight all. But there is one drawback, if you are lucky you will experience a 'premature fracture'. Thus, there is still a possibility of a new stick loe buy 1 day ago tiba2 broken ..- Ahead: Stick mahal.Ttapi super drum, his rebound (bounce) is dead and the sound of drums will sound sharp. To be sure, stick a pair of these can last up to 6 months- Pro Mark: The only stick that logo listed in the middle stick. These sticks are very strong but balancenya quite strange because this heavy stick in front.- Tama: Extra strong and is the most comfortable in the hold. Unfortunately, now it is very rare.- Johnny Rabb: Known for innovations such as Rhythm Saw. But Rhythm Saw itself can be harmful to the drum as it can damage the bearing edge so that the drum sound loe can be chaotic and can not be tuned.- Vater: Lots of choice, but the balance is uncertain alias any stick did not have the same character, although the same shape.
Many macemnya gan,, There are also other brands other than those described as above, such as resonant and Sabian. But make yourself more suitable ane artificial pake ane friend. Since n can be adjusted to fit more with the game of our hands. So gan, may be useful
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